Friday, May 2, 2008

Designing For Print V.S Designing For Online

According to Jakob Nielson (2007), with the phenomenon of blogging continue to thrived, designing for online (such as website and webpage) had been an anchorage that intact within the phenomenon, which blogger (especially profession bloggers) keen to make their respective blog page more attractive physically by utilized the technology of online-designing in order to attract and maximize the beneficial effect of the advertising factor into their blog page, therefore, the existence of print-designing are gradually weaken by the emerging phenomenon of blogging, with the blooming of the World Wide Web electronic networking that powered up the blogging culture, less and less population of mankind (especially from the First and Second World Nation) had abandoned the methodology of print-designing, as the utilization of paper no longer needed in their job scope as it were eventually substituted by the upcoming trend and technique of online-designing.


1)Nielsen, J 2007, F-Shaped Pattern For Reading Web Content, Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox, April 17, viewed 20 May 2008, from

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